Apartments, Houses, Offices for Rent, Real Estate, Homes for Sale - Century 21 Albania

What our clients are saying about us.

For CENTURY 21 Oksford

Excellent consultation. He helped us find a suitable house for us, very kind and helpful!

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For Oksana Genkina
CENTURY 21 Oksford

Хочу выразить огромную благодарность агентству вцелом и Oksana Genkina лично Ребята, Вы - просто супер Полагаю, что мой кейс был весьма непростым: удаленный выбор, гражданство подсанкционной страны, ограниченный бюджет, завышенные ожидания, разница во времени, моя частая занятость, а помимо этого тревожность, страхи и т.д. и т.п.Но Оксана всегда была на связи, во всем помогала, обо всех особенностях предупреждала и, несмотря ни на что, была всегда крайне доброжелательна Было безумно приятно общаться, легко доверять такому человеку и, конечно, отличный результат 🫶 Огромная благодарность! Успехов в профессиональной и других сферах жизни!

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For Florian Pelivani

I wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation for the service provided by century 21 agents Graciela and Florian. Through their work and help, I was able to successfully sell my property and buy an apartment that fully suited my needs. I want to thank Graciela and Florian for the correctness they showed in their role as well as their willingness to cooperate with me and other clients in the field of real estate agency. I would recommend for every person who is interested in receiving services related to the sale and purchase of properties to cooperate with these 2 agents. Elena

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For Adelina Mahmutaj
CENTURY 21 Cooperate

In October I needed to locate 75 apartments in Albania within 24hrs. this INCREDIBLE woman not only took on the task, but blew it out the water helping me navigate this major project in a country i knew little about, did not speak the language and was new to different cultural business/life practices. She not only did all of this in the most professional way, fiercely advocating for our NGO and the people we were moving, but also drove me an hour to and from for weeks, opened up her home when my trip required extending and became my sister. I cannot imagine my life without her and am so impressed with her willingness to JUMP in head, first to help the lives of hundreds of refugees ( and me) The world needs more Adelina’s. Client : Lindsey Baldwin

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For CENTURY 21 New Day

Hello everyone! I met Xhesika by chance. She turned out to be a great professional. She is a person with whom it is pleasant to work and be friends. Thank you for your work. If I want to buy an apartment again, I will only contact Xhesika! Client: Илья Солодов

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